¡La NUEVA competencia de CodeMonkey está a la vuelta de la esquina!

Prepárese para construir su equipo A, aprenda el código
¡y únete a una carrera gratificante por plátanos y premios increíbles!

We are delighted to share with you Code Rush, CodeMonkey’s new adventure!

Code Rush is a Nation-Wide Coding Competition that teaches real-world computer programming to elementary and middle schools in the United States.  Code Rush will bring added value to your students through learning to code and working together towards a shared goal.

If you are a STEM teacher, librarian, coding club instructor or active parent, this is a great opportunity for you to get your kids involved. You might just be one of the 20 lucky teams who will win prizes for their school or library! Team leaders will be provided with detailed lesson plans and access to our interactive teacher dashboard. Anyone can participate from home, school or local library. 

Entonces, ¿estás listo para unirte a la prisa?

The competition will take place between April 3rd and May 1st.
**Sign-Up Today: The moment your team joins, you’ll begin the competition’s Warm-Up Stage**

¡Registrate aquí!

¿No estás en los Estados Unidos?

Computer science competitions are a great way to engage your students in coding!

No te preocupes, contáctanos en info@codemonkey.com to bring Code Rush to your area.

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