Как получить CodeMonkey: когда это не входит в бюджет вашей школы

CodeMonkey, the award winning code-learning platform, is increasingly implemented in more and more schools to help students acquire crucial 21st Century skills. AKJ Education, a DonorsChoose vendor, has the perfect solution for schools with a tight budget – You can now shop for CodeMonkey in their catalog, raise the necessary funds and add CodeMonkey to your teaching curriculum, all through creating a DonorsChoose crowdfunding campaign.

Read on to learn exactly how to bring this educational tool into your classroom

Step 1: Register as a teacher   

Визит www.donorschoose.org/teachers to set up your account

Step 2: Verify your account   

Step 3: Access your new account
You can continue straight or connect through Facebook

Step 4: Upload a photo
Before your first project, you will need to add a class picture

Note: Make sure to get parental permission prior to uploading a class photo with student close-ups

Step 5: Go to projects

Step 6: Create a project

Step 7: Continue standard project

Step 8: Describe your students

Step 9: Start shopping
Access CodeMonkey in AKJ Education’s shopping catalog

Step 10: Search CodeMonkey

Step 11: Add amount to cart

Note: Each classroom classroom subscription is valid for 30 students
Step 12: Add CodeMonkey to your project

Step 13: Let donors know what you need

Step 14: Choose technology

Step 15: Add a title

Step 16: Describe your project

Step 17: Specify related subjects

Step 18: Review and submit your project

Step 19: You’re all set! Check your email 🙂

Thank you for creating a DonorsChoose campaign to use CodeMonkey in your classroom!

Now, all you have to do is share your campaign and let as many people possible know about it. When sharing, be sure to mention us on social media using @codemonkeystu and #CodeMonkey and we will happily share or retweet your cause.


How to Get CodeMonkey: When it’s Not in Your School’s Budget: 1 комментарий

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