Уголок вопроса: ремикс игры

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[speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]Hi Teacher, guess what’s new![/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher”]Hi Gordo, what?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]Users can now remix games built by others on CodeMonkey![/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher”]That’s awesome, I know my students have wanted to remix games for a while now! Tell me, what exactly can students do with this new option? [/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]The remix feature allows students to take previously built games on CodeMonkey, duplicate them and modify the code to make their own versions of the original game. Since CodeMonkey is an educational platform, a great way to learn how to code is to look at what other students have written. Game-remixing is a great way for students to see how others use GameBuilder and expand on their work.[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher” ]Awesome, how can I access it? [/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]First, go to any game on CodeMonkey, then click on the remix option and you will be given the editor version of the game that you chose. From there, you can begin ‘remixing’ the game by adding your own code and graphics to make your own version of the game. [/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher” ]Cool, is there a course that teaches users how to create such a game? [/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]Currently there isn’t. [/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher” ]What ages is this made for?[/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo”]Just like GameBuilder, Game-Remixing is suitable for ages 12+.[/speech_bubble] [speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”b” icon=”teacher.png” name=”Teacher” ]Thank you, I can’t wait to tell my students that they can now remix games![/speech_bubble][speech_bubble type=”std” subtype=”a” icon=”gordo.png” name=”Gordo” ]Great, be sure to share their games in the comments![/speech_bubble]

Remix Space Bananas!

Question Corner: Game-Remixing: 3 комментария

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