Hong Kong Holds its First CodeMonkey Coding Olympics

Since 2014, a growing number of countries have hosted their own CodeMonkey coding competitions, with the latest being Hong Kong.

Similar to Code Rush, a coding competition that takes place in the U.S. and Canada, the Hong Kong Coding Olympics consisted of challenges in CodeMonkey’s award-winning course, Coding Adventure.

Around 300 students participated in the Hong Kong Coding Olympics. The competition was open to kids from 3rd-6th grade. Students prepared for the event by themselves over summer break by playing Coding Adventure Part 1, which includes a total of 75 challenges. 

The final round took place at the CGA eSports Stadium in MongKok, Hong Kong. A total of 80 students made it to the finals.

The winning team was from S.K.H ST. Peter’s Primary School.

Participants were excited and engaged while playing the challenges, especially because the final stage was challenging and tested their coding skills. Students really enjoyed the gaming environment and coding by helping a cute monkey catch bananas.

Stay tuned to find out where in the world CodeMonkey will host a competition next!

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