New Languages!

Building a strong and united community is one of our many goals. A community that works together to achieve the same goal is the strongest community in the world. This is why we make sure it’s easy to contact us and get a reply right away, whether it’s through Facebook , Twitter or email.

china taiwan
Thanks to our amazing community, CodeMonkey is translated to 15 languages:

  • English
  • Hebrew
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese
  • Ukrainian
  • Spanish (South america) – NEW!
  • Chinese (Traditional) – NEW!
  • Chinese (Simplified) – NEW!

These translations help us get CodeMonkey to more users across the world, so more young coders can grow up wanting to learn STEM subjects.

MexicoHow to change CodeMonkey’s language on your computer:

  1. Click on the menu
  2. Click on the flag
  3. From the pop-up window, locate the monkey representing your language
  4. Click on it!

Didn’t see your language? Want to translate? Contact us!

5 Replies to “New Languages!”

    1. You are correct – we have changed the look and feel of the languages menu. Now it only displays the initials of the language, yet the functionality remains the same.

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