NOAH Startup Competition: Voting Open!

Vote CodeMonkey. Win a drone! (maybe)

Last November in London, leaders of the digital economy met at NOAH 2016, a two-day networking conference for executives from internet companies and investors. During the conference 74 companies introduced themselves through a 5-minute pitch. If you haven’t seen CodeMonkey’s pitch, you can watch it here.

CodeMonkey is now in the running to win #1 Startup at NOAH. With your vote, YOU can help us win the 1st place prize and the amazing opportunity to present CodeMonkey on the main stage at the next NOAH conference in Berlin and help more kids learn how to write REAL code!

Follow the instructions below to vote and you could win the MOST amazing prize of all:


This is how it’s done:
1. Vote for CodeMonkey on the NOAH startups’ voting page! You will find CodeMonkey on the eleventh row of the first column
2. Follow us on at least two of the following: Twitter, Facebook , LinkedIn and/or Instagram
3. Leave us a comment on our blog on saying “I voted!” or whatever is on your mind:)
4. Awesome, you’re in!

Don’t wait to participate! Voting closes on February 28th.
*Don’t fret – We’re not about to tell you restrictions apply! Just here to say we want you to know how much you mean to us so we are giving all participants a free one-month CodeMonkey home subscription!

Further information:
– The competition is open internationally
1 drone will be raffled
Check your email! Only here will you find your free one-month subscription and whether you won!

Thanks for your great support 🙂

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